First Quarter Reads of 2024

Published on 3 April 2024 at 14:00

Can you believe it everyone!? We have finished our first quarter of the year! This year has gone by so quickly, sometimes I wonder what I did these past few months because I completely forgot already lol!!


As of March 29th, I have read of a total of 15 books! Whoohoo! That is such a high accomplishment for me. For many, it may be more or less to what they are accustomed to reading. If you are active on Good Reads, my 2024 reading goal is to complete 35 books. According to Good Reads, I am ahead of schedule. 


Mind you, I do not think of my reading is a race or trying to compete on how many books I can read in a month or year. It is my personal goal as a tracking purpose to reflect on the books I have read and so forth.


With that being said, here is the line up of my completed reads for this first quarter *drum roll please*


  1. The Two of Us, Taylor Torres**
  2. Full Measures, Rebecca Yarros**
  3. Eyes Turned Skyward, Rebecca Yarros**
  4. Beyond What is Given, Rebecca Yarros**
  5. Hallowed Ground, Rebeca Yarros**
  6. The Reality of Everything, Rebecca Yarros**
  7. The Fine Print, Lauren Asher
  8. Terms and Conditions, Lauren Asher
  9. Final Offer, Lauren Asher
  10. Never Lie, Freida McFadden**
  11. The Teacher, Freida McFadden
  12. Wild is the Witch, Rachel Griffin
  13. Fangirl Down, Tessa Bailey**
  14. Every Summer After, Carley Fortune **
  15. If He Had Been with Me, Laura Nowlin


The stars next to the author’s name are my ABSOLUTE favorite books of this quarter and I highly recommend reading if you have not read it yet.


I can’t wait which books that I choose for second quarter. Like many, I have a HUGE TBR list and I can’t seem to figure out what I like to start next! Me personally, I tend to gravitate to book series. I am going to TRY not to read any series this quarter and focus on my stand alone books. I feel like they need love lol! But we shall see!!


Again, I want to reiterate that me reading 5, 15, or more books a quarter is not a race or me trying to prove something. Looking back on lat years reading habits, I was a lot slower. I believe that I know what is my go to genre and what I like and not like. 


Have fun reading ladies and gents and I’ll check back with you all soon :)





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